Q. Hi! I had made herbal hair oil by cooking curry leaves and fenugreek seeds in coconut oil. I used a lot of curry leaves; much more than what the recipe mentioned. My daughter goes to school. She’s in the eighth standard. Her hair started growing longer faster and even became a littke thicker than before after she started using this oil. But of late she’s got lice in her hair. Could it be because of the hair oil?

A. Adding too many curry leaves when preparing the hair oil could have caused the hair lice problem. She should not use it.

Q. Hi! Im in college at present. Someone had told me that it’s better to change shampoos time and again because otherwise the chemicals (of the shampoo) keep getting deposited on your hair and scalp and change its texture.

A. These are just notions being spread and then followed by people. If you are using a shampoo of good quality and it has been suiting you for some time then how could it harm you?

Q. Hello! My daughter will turn thirteen in a few days. She’s dark so I want to start her fairness treatment from now itself so that by the time she’s of marriageable age, she’s fair and attractive. There are fairness soaps and creams in the market now. How should I go about please guide me?

A. I request that you do not use any type of chemical treatment on your daughter as this chemical assault can prove to be harmful through the years. A dark person cannot become really fair but she can become a few shades fairer than the present skin tone. Do not waste money on fairness soaps or creams either. Also facials, bleaching and exfoliation are a big no- no at this tender age. There are a few tips that you can follow:

1. Give her kesar ka doodh regularly by boiling a few strands of saffron in milk.

Image by Racool_studio on Freepik

2. Wash and soak orange peels in water for a few hours. Discard the peels. She should keep splashing this water on her face 3- 4 times a day. This is a simple yet ffective and natural way to make your complexion fairer. It will give a mild bleaching effect to the skin making it brighter..

3. Apply sunscreen when stepping out in the sun

4. Use a suitable cleanser daily after returning home or before going to bed

5. There are a few masks etc. thar she can use for fairness:

a. Apply multani mitti face pack,

b. Honey and lemon juice face mask works good for fairness

c. Apply Aloe Vera gel

d. Splash/dab some coconut water on the face.

e. Tomato juice is also effective in removing tan marks and making skin fairer.

Image by mrsiraphol on Freepik

Image by luis_molinero on Freepik

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